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Working with us

Work-life benefits | Social And Personal Commitments


Social impact

Doing your part very well is not only about the fact that Gabriel Topman wants us to grow together and offers an easy-to-understand platform (along with systems) to achieve mutual economic growth and personal development. The social benefits include:

An organisation that pulls its own strings! No sabotaging leaders or influencers here. The social impact is "failure" for those who lack this awareness.

Clear ownership of outcomes and roles. The social factor in ownership can be decentralised, but the network must be aligned with social factors that are sustainable.

Get Cash flow from property investment. Why work with us? Discover proven solutions for Mortgage-free Property investment, Beat inflation with guaranteed high returns, turn property into lucrative side hustle
Gabriel Topman explains missing secret to finding your purpose from his own perspective. Systems, tool, infinite networks, team and mentor arrows trying to even the Million circles on a lever with leaders as it fulcrum

How things work together.

The higher (further) education industry for adult learning is the industry we are in. We are not jacks of all trades, even though we must engage and try things out to a deep enough extent in order to:

  1. Deeply understand, discern and appreciate our role.
  2. Earn our firm grip on topics we are responsible for
  3. Own our alignment and, consequently, our results.
  4. Appreciate the grace to be, do and have what we want.

In this case, employment of any type called work is the theme. Our strategy for communicating this effectively is so focused that most of the information you need will be revealed on our LinkedIn Business Page.

Growth and learning.

Resource investigators like Gabriel Topman are known for staying focused on positive economic activities without getting caught up in politics, religion or things that fool us, like emotions that lead to striving for harmful/backward reasons.

The activities that align with our strengths are what we are most likely to consider when the timing is right.


Goals that affects business result by Gabriel Topman

Work-life Balance

For Gabriel Topman, work is making a living for self, family, organisations, cared-for stakeholders and the peace givers on our planet. That work is accountable and legally positioned to serve all interested if they are pleasant, cooperative (because we don't like forcing/pushing) and fair enough.

Life is the work itself. Other than the benefits that make the work worth doing, life is the circumstances around the work itself. The breaks are mostly related to investing time, money or resources in complimentary things that give our own life the joys, satisfactions and recharge that "do not" - negatively affect our obligations or our prioritized alignments.

The perks we have provided and are featured on our linked-in page because that is where they will be edited if there is a need for sustainable changes.

Gabriel Topman