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It's time to make progress.
Comprehensive business solutions.

Featured Video Testimonials

Focussed on sustainable and comprehensive productivity. This business management consultant provides comprehensive business solutions for micro businesses that recognise they are stuck in the areas we assure through this website.

This feedback concerns safety, discovering SWOT safely and witnessing PESTLE threats being managed.

This feedback is more than being a landlord. It was about offer, grace, chances and decisions that move forward.

Why Consultancy 1st

Consultancy is about helping those who are willing to reach a good and productive understanding to get there. Those who achieved authentic and easily verifiable progress are the most reliable advisers you can find.

Having helped many and proven our value proposition, the reality in our business is 100% on the market or environment and not on us.

  • Negatives do their thing
  • Missunderstanding happens.

We realised the challenges, so we developed strategies that raised the barriers to the extent that made the decision-makers responsible for their choices or our carefully considered response.

Reality of Progress
It can be manageable and affordable.


We facilitate and improve chances.
Microbusinesses need to survive, thrive and scale with grace. That grace can be planned, optimised and enjoyed. Here are the free starters:

The UK Government comprehensively do an excellent job. They need good people (like you and me) to succeed. That way, we can contribute directly or indirectly.

Comprehensive can have focus and directions. Now, when there are many areas to focus on, all you need is a direction that carries, accommodates or impacts all of them. 

Patterns that define your nature or culture are like factual data. Some are better at discerning more accurately than others. How are your choices working? What's the risk?


Assertive is not always easy.

Although forgiving, Gabriel never forgets. The worst-case scenario is that Gabriel changes the level of generosity and access he gives to those he considers toxic or not worthy of the value he offers. If the language or threat level changes, then Gabriel will match it.

Since he doesn't expect any less from great people, Gabriel believes the key to effectiveness is communicating the value enough to attract those sensible enough to see or discover the value.


Selected Project Case Studies.

04 smile quality result coaching - frame at 0m13s

Visualised Alignment of combos.
Not all leaders are worthy, trustworthy, or authentic, and few of us can discern them accurately. This programme appeals to those who care.

Gabriel Topman 2021

Fruits of personal development.
This offer attempts to give people a clear, actionable, relatable acceptance point. The problem is how quickly people jump to the wrong conclusion and spread it.

Salay Kekula
Salay Kekula

Growth and progress supported.
Not every service provider can build on trending strength and manifest aligned solution that seriously works. That's what we are proud to have done.

productive team solutions

One of the ways we develop.
Discussions give you a vibe, and outcomes confirm the reality. This is an example of functions and activities that make a difference when people know what they are doing and why.

Gabriel Topman Digital
Gabriel Topman Digital

Quality graphics and content.
Skilled coaches and consultants improve as they work with employees and others. It's about continuous. This case study is an example.

Gabriel Topman Finance
Serena Organtini

Management accounting.
Gabriel's coaching and investments took qualified accountants to levels greater than the available worldwide. Loose ends can now be tackled fast!

KMB Training E-website (E-business)
search webdesign service

Achieved great stuff for 3rd parties.
The strategic position that ticks off more value than a novice or mid-level can offer. And superfast ranking on search engines has been maintained.

careful removals man and van
Gabriel Topman's hands-on management solutions

Achieved 16 years in the trade plus
Maintained the career of being a marketer/entrepreneur and not just the trade that enabled Gabriel to diversify and bring in faster money than consultancy was doing.

People Focused
Business success and resilient secrets.


Awareness of "real threats" that the less experienced would suffer for taking for granted. Made productive with effective solutions and their cost!

Gabriel Topman Digital

The words of a tramp, even their wisdom, are quickly taken for granted. These uneasy words are less valuable when packaging is below a certain standard of quality.

Gabriel Topman Finance

To survive and thrive, we all need a good understanding and Assets. These workshops and 1:1 solutions will inspire and make ambitions realistic with numbers.

Asset Focused
Business success and resilient secrets.

Reliable success models for business

Educational workshops, focus groups, and practice groups will help 99.9% of committed and viable beneficiaries get unstuck, even if the purpose is to earn more money.


The context and case for property depend on circumstances and understanding. Our perspective is focused on business support for those who believe in us.


A manifesto that clarifies purpose and gives their business something to improve/build on? Lack of it is either a delebrate strategy or a sign of incompetence.

Strategy Focused
Business success and resilient secrets.


Filtering is not manipulative. Beneficiaries will get to understand the power of focus and yet be comprehensively stable, effective and dynamic enough to win.

Gabriel Topman's Core

Stability requires understanding, and progress requires the same. We made an effort to summarise the comprehensive solutions and reveal some of the people on the job.


Results like stability, freedom, financial independence, and resilience are the fruits of Gabriel Topman's work. You are about to get a comprehensive glimpse.

We are looking for new projects.

Please embrace the title you want to give this business and management consultancy. All we ask is that you remember that those who help others to move forward should not become doormats or victims. With that understanding, here is what you will get:

Quality at affordable prices.

We don't risk our reputation.

Our deals and ways are fair.

Limiting beliefs are checked here

Authentic Assurance

Deliberately easy to verify, Gabriel Topman is a brand you can find easily online. Forward Outlook Limited is the legal setting separating this consultancy brand from the diversified business activities. Verify reputation and standing here:


Kind And Yet Assertive

Gabriel is certainly not a politician or a civil servant, although we all have relatives in one high position or the other. He certainly doesn't accept responsibility for 3rd parties he has no influence over.

Gabriel will not force his understanding and good judgment on you. As Serena said (in the testimonial video above), he is so honest that the outcome reflects your choices and priorities. Gabriel Topman rejects the victim position even if it's triggered by collective ignorance, negligence, misunderstanding, or a negative strategy/idea.

Decisions And Strategies

Everyone who has grown with Gabriel and succeeded with him earned it by 1st making sure they understand and, most importantly, doing their part or accepting the accountability tactics that the lost causes often turn into something untrue and unfair.

Trust Authenticity

Globally accepted as reasonably successful, highly skilled, honest, and kind, Gabriel is an authentic self-help and personal development success story. Gabriel knows success is a journey with milestones. Keeping what we have and how we leverage it reflects our honour. Here are some of Gabriel's credentials:

#1 certified award from top university.

Fully paid for houses in the UK.

A unique brand you can trust.

Tax-paying registered Organisation.

Strategic marketing skills are demonstrated.

Real experience and know-how is demonstrated.

Good Teams (growing with Gabriel).

We humans operate at different levels of understanding and our strengths are different.  Our choices and actions (even silence) form a pattern we must accept as reality.

After generously allowing clear patterns to be established or simply choosing to quickly assess, Gabriel treats people the way they deserve.

Reliable Models & Maps 🙂

As you may already know, there are additional top-level considerations that help with deciding when to "change"—yes, change one aspect of the map presented below. Having comprehensive skills and industry knowledge helps, too, and there are ways to get that quickly.

Skip this if you are not interested in seeing a comprehensive and proven success model. But here is a breakdown for those interested:

  1. Leaders should seriously know what and why.
  2. A purposeful goal helps alignment.
  3. Assets can be the lever. Deals too.
  4. Mentors can be consultants/coaches.
  5. Purpose can have multiple uses.
  6. Systems should be resilient.
  7. Reality checks improve patterns.
  8. Giving and letting go are secrets.
  9. Facts and themes matter.

We are here to help with the details because that's the line of calling and ministry Gabriel accepted in 1998.

Starting points

If you don't know your monetisable strength, productive discussion topics or general 1:1 meetings will do wonders for you. The website will deliver clarity and alignment, and then everything else is progress. The details and the journey are why smart people value us.